Conference Fees
Registration as a | Early bird fee Valid for participants, who register online until 20 February 2023 AND pay until 27 February 2023. Payment of the conference fee must be credited to bank/credit card account of DPG e. V. by 27 February 2023 at the latest!) |
Regular fee Applies to participants whose payment is not received by the deadline of 27 February 2023 OR who register (online or on site) on or after 21 February 2023. |
Member* | 230.00 € | 260.00 € |
Non-member | 310.00 € | 340.00 € |
Student member (without degree)* | 130.00 € | 160.00 € |
Student non-member (without degree)* | 170.00 € | 200.00 € |
Retired persons (member and non-member) | 130.00 € | 160.00 € |
Day ticket Member | 100.00 € | 110.00 € |
Day ticket Non-member | 140.00 € | 150.00 € |
2-Day ticket Member | 200.00 € | 220.00 € |
2-Day ticket Non-member | 280.00 € | 300.00 € |
Students of the local University without degree | free of charge | free of charge |
Teachers** | free of charge | free of charge |
The above mentioned conference fees are exempt from Value Added Tax and payment will be made on the basis of the booking and payment information sent by e-mail after registration. A payment receipt (receipt without Value Added Tax) for the fee paid will be given to all participants on site at the conference office. Should a proper invoice (according to nach § 14 Abs. 4 Umsatzsteuergesetz) be necessary, we will be happy to send it to you if required. In this case, please contact Ms Beatrice Hensel ().
*The reduced conference fee is available to all personal members of the DPG as well as the personal members of the DPG partner societies as a booking option within the participant registration. If you are not yet a DPG member, you will find further information about the advantages of a DPG membership here.
Students are defined as students preparing for the following degrees: Bachelor, Master, Diploma, 1. Staatsexamen. Please note that PhD students are not considered as being students anymore. When you register as a student you need to present a current certificate of matriculation at the registrations desk, where it is clear from, that you are not yet a PhD student.
**Is only valid for one of the three DPG Spring Meetings 2023 with current statement of school or employer. Does not apply to retired persons or teachers at Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences.
The conference fees of non free of charge participants include (unless stated otherwise):
- all coffee breaks during the conference
- the welcome reception
- your name badge
- a conference bag
- the printed short programme of the conference
- the access to all conference scientific events and commercial exhibitions