Abstract Submission

Until 15 December 2022, 23:59 Central European Time, the submission of contributions is possible online under https://www.dpg-tagung.de/smuk23/submission.html?language=en.

We want to draw your attention to a new format at the DPG Spring meeting: The Hacky Hours, organized by AGI and AKjDPG. Here, you have the possibility to present your own favorite tools which ease your daily scientific life in front of an interested audience and learn and discuss about the favorite tools of your colleagues. The time slots consist of invited talks and talks from participants and have plenty of time for open discussions. Submission is possible still after the general abstract submission deadline. Please choose part AGI for the submission.


Please note that the conference is scheduled in presence and no presentations can be given online.


The authors will be notified by the beginning of February 2023 whether the papers have been accepted and when the presentations (talk or poster) will be given.

All conference participants must register for the meeting to attend. Please do not forget to register yourself or the presenting author as conference participant here.